Noise as Possibility
SFSIA 2020 | sonsbeek20→24
Arnhem, The Netherlands
June 16 – 27, 2020
Application Information
Application Deadline: April 26
Please note that due to coronavirus the entire sonsbeek20→24 quadrennial, including this program, has been postponed until 2021.
Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates on this and other future programs.
Applications for SFSIA 2020 | sonsbeek are open to students, practitioners and scholars from the fields of music and art (including video, painting, photography, sculpture and installation), design, architecture, critical writing, neuroscience, science and technology studies, critical theory, cultural studies, film and media studies, and beyond.
To apply please email a single PDF (8mb max) labeled “LASTNAME_FIRST.pdf” and formatted in the following manner to with the subject line “SFSIA 2020 – sonsbeek – NAME” by the April 26 deadline.
You may use this downloadable application .doc as reference.
SECTION ONE (page one)
Personal Information
Preferred Name:
Date of Birth:
Phone Number:
Financial Aid Request (200 words max)
A limited number of partial tuition scholarships are available which are awarded both on need and merit. Please indicate if you would like to be considered for a partial scholarship and provide any relevant information regarding your financial situation at this time. Please note that scholarships are not granted for travel and/or accommodation expenses. Applicants that do not express a financial aid request in their application will not be considered for scholarships.
Program Referral
Please let us know how you found out about our program and be as specific as possible (e.g. e-Flux announcement, friend, etc.).
SECTION TWO (page two, 250 words max)
Letter of Interest
Tell us about yourself and your reasons for participating including how the program and ideas put forward in our statement relates to or could influence your practice.
SECTION THREE (page three, 250 words max)
Tell us about your professional history highlighting experiences in communal learning environments which are academically and collaboratively intense. Include your strategies for participation and engagement.
SECTION FOUR (1-3 pages)
Please provide a full curriculum vitae including professional, academic and employment history.
SECTION FIVE (1-10 pages)
Please include 1-10 pages of work examples from your practice. Your portfolio may include website and video links (i.e. personal websites, Vimeo), writing samples, and/or images with descriptive texts. Please let us know if you have any questions about formatting your portfolio.
Program Overview