Art and Cognitive Activism
September 12, 2022
Organized by Warren Neidich in collaboration with UCLA Art|Sci Center, Getty Research Center, Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art and the Museum of Neon Art.
Friday, September 23, 2022, 9am to 6:30pm
UCLA California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI)
Building 114 –…
Proclamations and Paraphernalia
April 7, 2021
In the new issue of journal Media-N, 'Forking Paths in New Media Art Practices: Investigating Remix', Roopa Vasudevan (Alum '20) contributes an essay on 'the Art of Remixing the Political Document.'
For Vol. 17 No. 1 (2021) of Media N journal is a special issue on contemporary approaches to remix. The issue…
A Performance in 21 Readings
March 31, 2021
'A Performance in 21 Readings' is a series of online performances by Emily Gastineau (Alum '20) and Samantha Johns where the artists invite one performer and one audience member to join them for each reading.
"Remember standing close to strangers? The heat? Your mouth begins to water. We’re…