Club-wise: A Theory of Our Time
Maisa Imamović (Alum Berlin ’19) published “Club-wise: A Theory of Our Time” with the Institute of Network Cultures. The essay takes an experimental form, combining Imamovićs observations from Amsterdam’s club scene with critical theory, music videos, and lyrics – to name but a handful of elements.
“Meet the club-goer. Today he woke up thinking that, compared to the typical weight of his miseries, the day feels quite light. Upon waking up, he suddenly decided to go to the club tonight. Prior to this happening, he makes a pact with himself to do his duties: deliver to society and eat his meals. Perhaps even go for a little run?”
via Institute of Network Cultures
Why are evils of cool still cool? Why am I consuming towards being consumed? And why do I need to take this to the club? It’s not like I’m going to manifest these doubts and battle them on the dance floor until they’re gone, is it?… Wait, more rays of doubt are entering my mind space, shaking my ground, and signing up for forgetfulness tonight: Work Suppression Happiness forever on arrival-mode A trendy Sadness
Take the full trip here.
About Maisa Imamović
Maisa Imamović is an Amsterdam-based writer, designer, and web-developer who likes to draw. She graduated from Gerrit Rietveld’s Architectural Design department in 2018. She also pursued the Full-Stack Web Development certificate at BSSA. Her main research interest is the island of boredom, and the impossibility to be bored. She studies trends, cliches, and conditions of honesty experienced by many. For her design practise she creates situations of doing nothing/cutting productivity to zero. Since her web-development journey, she has been observant of how programming languages program lifestyles through user experience. She was published in Kajet, Simulacrum, Forum, and INC (Institute of Network Cultures). “How to Nothing” was her first published longform.