The Glossary of Cognitive Activism (For a Not So Distant Future)
The Glossary of Cognitive Activism (For a Not So Distant Future) is a companion to the three-volume anthology Warren Neidich (SFSIA founder/director) co-edited entitled The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism (2013–’17), a highly collaborative project that emerged out of a series of conferences in Los Angeles, Berlin, and London.
Check out this recent review, “The Neural Battlefield of Cognitive Capitalism,” in Los Angeles Review of Books.
“The brain has become the nexus of an intensified political struggle due to the repercussions of cognitive capitalism. Among several of the promising neologisms in the Glossary is the term “neuropower,” coined by Neidich to express this new reality. New techniques of manipulation, in the form of enhanced propaganda and ideology, infiltrate the brain constantly in ways that have been difficult to grasp because we lacked the conceptual tools, but also because the digital platforms we use have become opaque and direct extensions of power, threatening the very possibility of creative mental resistance. We have become increasingly embedded in a technological environment that so structures our behavior and perception as to make us ever more predictable and manipulable.”
– Anders Dunker, Los Angeles Review of Books