Alumni News
Yoonkyung Lim: One’s Position
December 9, 2020
Yoonkyung Lim's (Alum Berlin '20) solo exhibition 'One’s Position,' at Seoul's The Reference, examines one’s roles and relationships to others in a given social context.
Yoonkyung Lim, “Time Line: Statism Code (My birth year)”(2020-ongoing), exhibition view
The exhibition presents Time…
Skinship Larp @ AI Party Pep Rally
December 2, 2020
Susan Ploetz (Faculty Berlin '19) is running a larp titled Skinship as part of the festival AI Party Pep Rally, by Bombina Bombast, based in Malmö. Describing the Skinship larp (or, Touching Intelligence in its online iteration), Susan explains; Participants play alien sensing-creatures exploring their surroundings and objects/beings in a strange new land, combining the information they collect in a multi-lingual poem-like matrix in/for their distributed collective intelligence/memory. In this…
Album Release: We Are Not Sick
November 24, 2020
After two years in the making, in September We Are Not Sick (John Longwalker and Geert Lovink [Faculty Berlin '16]) launched their first theory-music album, titled 'Sad by Design.' Sad By Design is an album of music inspired and interwoven with the book of the same title by band member Geert Lovink. John Longwalker provides production across a variety of genres — from gentle ambient to a raw, nearly brutal hip hop style to anthemic acid house — in order to maximize the potential audience space.…
Mother Tongue | The Immigrant Artist Biennial Virtual Exhibition
November 18, 2020
As part of the Immigrant Biennial 2020: Here, Together!, Furen Dai (Alum Berlin '20) is showing their works Federal Census (Nativity and Mother Tongue) and Federal Census (Health), in the virtual exhibition Mother Tongue.
Photo Credit- Eli Klein Gallery
Furen Dai writes the following about their participating…
Diary of a Stylist | INC Longform
November 11, 2020
The Institute of Network Culture's latest longform 'Diary of a Stylist' by Maisa Imamović (Berlin 19') reveals the writer's experience as a e-commerce stylist, discovering the 'the styling of aesthetics in and out of professionally creative contexts', as well as 'yet another bored state of being.'
The Glossary of Cognitive Activism (For a Not So Distant Future)
November 9, 2020
The Glossary of Cognitive Activism (For a Not So Distant Future) is a companion to the three-volume anthology Warren Neidich (SFSIA founder/director) co-edited entitled The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism (2013–’17), a highly collaborative project that emerged out of a series of conferences in Los Angeles, Berlin,…
Scalable Skeletal Escalator
November 6, 2020
Scalable Skeletal Escalator is an experimental live art work at Kunsthalle Zürich, conceived by Isabel Lewis (Faculty Berlin '19), in the form of a holobiont, a multi-organismic assemblage, like the human body itself, shuddering and shaking into being.
The work moves through four levels of Löwenbräukunst, where Kunsthalle Zürich is located, questioning how might a dancer pause – or interrupt – the history of how we conceive of and live our embodiment?
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MARCH: a journal of art & strategy – Issue 01
October 30, 2020
MARCH: a journal of art & strategy is pleased to announce its inaugural print edition which occupies the first issue of October in order to reopen an inquiry into the relationship between revolutionary practice, theoretical inquiry and artistic innovation in our time.
The issue traces radical departures and enclosures…
Book Release | Offline Matters: The Less-Digital Guide to Creative Work
October 28, 2020
Offline Matters: The Less-Digital Guide to Creative Work exposes the true state of precarious work in the creative industries today, where the 'digital first' mindset is doctrine, burnout is an uninterrogated part of the deal, and formations of solidarity become increasingly difficult in fragmentised conditions.
Sound as Divinity with SAVVYZΛΛR
October 22, 2020
Through October, SAVVYZΛΛR takes listeners on sonorous travel tracing a number of archaeological musical artifacts native to Mesoamerica before the arrival of the Europeans. The series of journeys wander into the early perceptions regarding sound conceived as divinity. SAVVYZΛΛR, under the artistic direction of Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (Faculty '19, '20) commissioned composer, educator, musician and instrument maker Luis Perez Ixoneztli to produce a 4-part series which peers into profound…